What is a TELEVISIT?
Televisits are appointments conducted via LIVE VIDEO CONFERENCE where you’ll be able to see and talk with your provider over a secure video platform. This can be done with your computer, tablet or smartphone.

How do I prepare for a TELEVISIT?
First you need to register to our PATIENT PORTAL which can be done in your computer via Healow website or with your phone downloading the Healow App (find our practice using the code HABEBD and login using your patient portal credentials).
Having difficulties logging in?
No problem. We can make it easier for you. If you are having difficulties logging into our Patient Portal, you can start your TeleVisit by getting into our Virtual Waiting Room.
Virtual Waiting Room:

TeleVisits are usually covered by insurance at the same rate as they would cover office-visits. For more details about insurance coverage, please call your insurance carrier.